So what is



LoveQuest Coaching offers personal development programs to help people heal and remove watever blocks them from having the love they truly want. Programs are designed to help people thrive in their lives without the need to control other people and situations. Imagine that - less control, less anxiety, more ease, more flow and more manifesting of what you truly want!

A couple embraces in a field of yellow flowers, with the man kissing the woman's forehead. She is smiling, wearing a gray sweater, and he is in a denim jacket.

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LoveQuest Coaching applies principles of Law of Attraction, Core Energy Coaching™ Inner Child Healing, and other techniques to help you attract, give, and keep love - starting with love of self.

Do you love and care for yourself? Are you all about work neglecting your self care? Do you know what you want and are your actions aligned with your desires? Are you seeing patterns in the kind of people or circumstances you attract? Many Type A professionals lack balance in their lives and feel disconnected from themselves. This bleeds into dating and relationships.

Through the LoveQuest coaching process, you will become more aware of your emotions and the guidance they offer. You’ll learn how to shift bad subconscious programming and raise your energy so you manifest all the great things you want in your life. Want to get over a break-up, save your relationship, strengthen communication or date with purpose? It all boils down to your energy and mindset.

LoveQuest Coaching empowers you to be the sole cultivator of your own happiness!

Red watercolor heart on black background

Where are you at right now?

Nothing anyone can think, say or do to you will rattle you. Best of all, people will begin to only engage with you when they are a match to your higher vibe.

You will swiftly begin to attract like-vibe people and circumstances. You will understand why you attract what you do and will know how to raise your own vibe at any moment.

That is power!

From this powerful place, you thrive in your relationship with yourself and others. You begin to show up more powerfully in your professional life as well. If you are single looking for a partner, when in an aware, self-loving place, you attract the right partner. Drama and confusion is replaced with ease and certainty. If you are in a relationship, you start to strive to be happy instead of right. You shift to gaining understanding, communicating with love, inspiring your partner instead of lecturing, nagging or manipulating them. You strengthen your bond, set goals that you go for together!

When you begin to deliberately create your life, you start to reap the rewards of a life based in worthiness, confidence, joy, peace, integrity and self-respect. LoveQuest Coaching helps you to do this. Through one-on-one sessions done either via phone, video conferences plus customized assignments designed to advance you along; you get the tools you need to succeed.

Lisa Concepcion, Certified Professional Life Coach who specializes in codependency recovery is here to help you. Let’s begin…