Narcissistic Abuse Recovery

End your battle with toxic relationships for good, break the trauma bond, heal codependency and reinvent your life.

Silhouette of a woman standing by a window with bars, looking outside at sunset.
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What You’ll Learn

This immersive weekly one on one immersive coaching program is for those who have already ended their relationship with a narcissistic or toxic person and is ready to heal from codependency to ensure they stop attracting narcissists and toxic relationships ever again. 

  • Learn to protect yourself and even repel narcissistic people in your life who make empty promises and mess with your mind.

  • Understand why you needed to believe the narcissistic love-bombing in the first place so you can stop this potent narcissistic tactic in its tracks. 

  • Learn to go “no contact” so that it sticks, the key step in being healthy and whole on your own.

  • Learn how to establish solid, impactful, healthy boundaries. No more enmeshment or "losing yourself" in others. 

  • Learn to stop the codependent trap of needing outside approval and validation, being a people pleaser, and having anxious attachments.

  • If coparenting with a narc, dealing with a narc at work, or a narc family member, get the specific communication hacks that put them in their place while maintaining your peace, boundaries and sanity.

Are you ready to take action and change the way you show up for yourself in relationships? 

    • Learn how to “SLAY Narcissists” and spot them out so you disengage.

    • Learn how to step out of codependency and into self love and self confidence which no longer makes you a target for narcissists.

    • Learn how to go from Self Abandonment to Self Advocacy, own your truth, love and care for yourself powerfully and confidently.

    • Transform your triggers and feel better! No more anxiety and the out of control feeling that comes with toxic relationships. 

    • Learn how to develop self trust, self love and self advocacy so you can date with confidence and clarity. 

    • Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind so you heal the root cause for why you attract who you attract in the first place. 

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Course Details

Are you ready to step into your feminine grace and operate from a place of peace and confidence instead of confusion and insecurity?

The Codependency Recovery & Narc Detox Program is for people who...

Fear attracting another narc and are too afraid to date.

  • Are codependent, seek validation, approval and worthiness outside of themselves. 

  • As children, were falsely programmed by parents, teachers and other grown ups, that our feelings and emotions were a burden, didn’t matter or an inconvenient bother. 

  • Have narcissistic parent who makes them feel like a child despite being a capable, independent adult. 

  • Are detached from their inner guidance and struggle to feel confident and emotionally self reliant.

  • Are tired of being pushed around and being misunderstood, told they are too sensitive and accused of being crazy.

  • Have read plenty of books, may have gone to therapy, watched YouTube videos, may have researched loads on narcissistic people but remain stuck in codependency.

  • Are ready to take action and commit to their healing and reinvention. 

  • Are willing to go deep and take the self loving action of rediscovering and reprogramming their subconscious minds.

  • Truly want to learn how to love themselves first, most, best and always so that they feel powerfully confident and in charge of their lives. 

  • Are fed up with attracting unavailable, toxic, narcissistic people who only take the more they give. 

  • Want a mentor, someone who healed themselves from Narcissistic Abuse, PTSD and Cured Codependency and dedicated her life's work to help people like you to do the same.

“My girlfriend and mother of my 6-year-old son kicked me out of our home. She was tired of my bullshit and wanted me to grow up. I saw Lisa speak at a networking event and knew her straight forward style was exactly what I needed if I was to level up and get my family back. Lisa helped me go from behaving like an immature punk to becoming the man I knew existed inside of me. Within 45 days, I was back with my girlfriend, and engaged. My son is happy, and we’re all together again, setting goals that we know we can accomplish together.”

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— Giano, 30 (Miami, Florida)