Red watercolor heart on a black background.

Frequently Asked Questions

No BS Truths, Tips and Hacks to Help You With Dating and Relationships. Lisa Concepcion, Founder of LoveQuest Coaching, frequently appears in the media as a trusted dating and relationship expert.

  • I graduated from Rutgers University (Livingston Campus) with a Bachelors in Marketing Communications (1993). I am also a Certified Professional Life Coach and Energy Leadership Master Practitioner through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) which is endorsed by the International Coaching Federation.

  • No. I teach you how to find your match on your own. You know far better than I what you want and your energy dictates what you attract. I simply help you to understand what is blocking you from the love you desire and a healthy fulfilling relationship. Then I help you remove these blocks to attract quality people and to attract the love you want.

  • Our energy and vibration is based upon how we feel and how we feel depends on how we think, our attitudes and beliefs. The more you focus on all of the reasons why you are not thrilled about your love life, the more evidence will be shown to you by the universe to support that viewpoint. It’s Law of Attraction, a universal law just like gravity. It states: “that which is likened to itself is drawn.” When we focus on what “is” (reality, lack) instead of what’s wanted (LOVE, JOY, ABUNDANCE) we invite more of what “is” into our lives. It’s nice to know we have the power to think our way to a better life. Our thoughts shift our energy and through our energy we attract what’s wanted or what’s unwanted. The work I do teaches people how to pivot to a higher energy frequency or vibration.

  • Let me first empower you by saying that ultimately, YOU are in charge of YOU. What you give to yourself though self care and personal development is what you get.

    It begins with an intense desire for a better life. People shift their lives when they are committed to doing so.

    You can’t be rolling with a “take it or leave it” attitude about love of self or others. You must really want this!

    Those who go all in see shifts within the first week after their first LoveQuest session but they stick with it and DO THE WORK!

    I don’t wave some wand and poof, like magic find you a romantic partner or heal your current relationship. I help you to get to the root of what is really going on and transform it, so that you can be, do or have anything you want. If you come to me ready to go all in and commit fully to yourself with an open mind, are willing to do whatever it takes to help yourself clear the mental clutter and untangle the knots so you can shift, then yes! You will raise your vibe and see a major change FAST!!

  • There’s low vibe, mid vibe, and high vibe. You learn more about this in the LoveQuest Coaching program. If you are low vibe about love, then love (or anything you want) won’t come. Your low vibe thoughts will repel it. Or you may attract someone who is also low vibe which can be emotionally damaging. LoveQuest Coaching raises your vibe (energy frequency) by helping you to become more aware of your emotions as trusted guidance for how you feel and what your point of attraction is.

    When you make feeling great top priority, you become more conscious of how you react to life’s challenges and stress, so you can begin to manifest better people, situations and opportunities. The higher your vibe, the better you attract. LoveQuest Coaching helps you to reach for more powerful thoughts that serve you and invite in the very things you want to manifest.

  • Regardless of whether you are single or in a relationship, if you go all in with LoveQuest Coaching and really commit to yourself; you’ll fall in love with yourself and will transform your life. I’m serious. You’ll be profoundly changed.

    Specifically, you can expect to master your ability to call yourself out on your own negative beliefs and behaviors that have been holding you back from all you desire and deserve. When working with a life coach like me, you can expect a greater sense of self-worth, ease and flow to your life. You’ll feel and see that you are on a path and feel optimistic and purposeful in your life.

    You can expect me to ask you pointed and empowering questions that help you tap into what you already know deep within yourself.

    You can expect to go very deep within yourself and truly be your own truest love.

    You’ll silence your inner critic, voices of perhaps parents, siblings, teachers and others who programmed you.

    You will reconnect to the truth of who you are, have a heightened intuition and deep gut sense of knowing.

    Do you want more certainty, more POWER and a sense of ease and trust about life?

    You can expect to lose friends and gain new ones. You can expect to become more aware of how loved you truly are and how the universe truly has your back.

    You can start to have true confidence and live authentically.

    You can expect to learn to love yourself unconditionally on such a high level, that you will take full responsibility for your happiness and in doing so you’ll be more kind, patient, and compassionate of others (without sacrificing yourself).

    You can expect a clearer, forward-moving life delighted by what you attract each day. You can expect to quickly understand why you attract what you do and swiftly pivot from attracting negative to positive. You can expect to feel like a total BOSS, CEO of your life.

  • When my marriage was in big trouble we went to a marriage counselor. We talked a whole lot in the sessions but didn’t actually get any tools to help us get to the root of what was going on within ourselves as individuals and then heal and shift.

    Looking back, I wish we had attracted a coach either in addition to or in place of therapy. After I healed through my Post Divorce Recovery journey, I set out to become the Love Life Coach I wish I had back when I was married.

    As a Relationship Coach for couples who still love each other and just want to improve communication, strengthen connection, create new agreements and thrive together, I provide the practical tools that help them to shift the entire energy of the relationship.

    I can easily identify the root of what really is going on. I save them precious time.

    Codependency and bad communication habits are common relationship killers. I know how to help couples heal themselves while still in their relationship so that they can prevent divorce.

    I help couples reach interdependency and claim full responsibility for their own happiness and create a new life that they both agreed on with a plan to move towards goal achievement.

    So now… I get to be the coach I wish I had when I was single at 25 and married at 35.

    I will say that therapy helped me with fast diagnosis. When I was healing from the double whammy of a heartbreaking divorce and end of a rebound relationship with a narcissist, I hired a therapist. It was 2015 and was in a bad way emotionally, couldn’t eat, sleep, focus on anything. I even lost my job at the time. I needed to look out for my mental and emotional health so instinctively I knew I needed someone to explain what was going on in my mind and how to heal. My therapist at the time is who explained what codependency was. She gave me that word and I studied it and this set me on the path to my own healing and being inspired to help others as a coach.

    Therapists typically are able to diagnose and if necessary prescribe medication. Coaches help you get to the answers you have within by asking powerful questions and are more focused in helping you create the future you want. A consultant, which is what I consider myself more of is someone who combines my own wisdom and can offer options, solutions and tools to help someone feel better fast as they move towards where they want to be.

  • No. I do however, hire coaches and consultants to help me navigate entrepreneurship. I also love working with channelers, energy healers, acupuncturists, and hypnotherapists. I invest in my self care bother personally and professionally.

  • Elevate your consciousness and love yourself first, most, best and always. Make your happiness and peace TOP PRIORITY. Treat yourself as you would someone you love. Give yourself the love you want from another.

    No one could or should love you more and better than you can love you. Once you step into self-love you won’t live a conditional life. You’ll be free of trying to control outcomes and people to satisfy you. You’ll change the way you relate to the world. You’ll attract a situation and think, ok, what did I do to attract this, what am I supposed to learn from it, and how can I shift my thinking to bring me to a better feeling place?

“After only two sessions, Lisa helped me see what I was doing wrong and understand WHY I was doing it. That was a major eye-opener for me. Lisa helped me end bad dating habits and taught me to approach dating as a mature woman ready for a serious relationship. I faced insecurities, shed many tears along with 15 pounds and 5 inches of hair! But it turns out, the “new me” was actually the “real me” and two weeks after my LoveQuest journey ended, I had the confidence to meet Seth! Dating with purpose completely changed the game for me!”

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— Jenna, 37 (Chicago, IL)