Divorce Recovery

Rediscover your individuality, heal and renew your self-worth after experiencing divorce. Reinvent your life and learn to date after divorce.

Silhouette of a hand raised against a pink and purple sunset sky, with grass in the foreground.
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What You’ll Learn

Divorce is difficult to process, and the recovery takes time. It is a massive life change that can rattle you to the core and cause you to question your self-worth, but brighter days are ahead.

Rediscover your true self with LoveQuest Coaching’s Divorce Recovery Program by taking an honest look at the lessons learned from your marriage, dispelling limiting beliefs, and creating healthy boundaries that get you through the process feeling reconnected with yourself.

This program provides you with the mindset, outlook, and attitude necessary to preserve your peace, maintain your own mental health - and deal with feelings of guilt, failure, uncertainty, and sadness - while addressing important concerns of financial implications from a position of clarity and power.

You need to feel validated and heard. Your perspective and feelings about what went on matters. They’ll tell you to be strong but inside you feel afraid, anxious, angry, sad and you’ll pivot from one emotion to the next at the most inopportune times.

That is why this transformative program is A MUST for anyone going through or getting over divorce. Best of all, you’re not alone. Lisa has experienced it herself and now guides others through the labyrinth of emotions, thoughts, and beliefs found in the pot of the hot mess stew of divorce.

The Divorce Recovery Program from LoveQuest Coaching is the perfect choice if children are involved with your divorce because it will help you discover amicable strategies for co-parenting or establishing a new post-divorce relationship with your ex-spouse. We will even provide scripts you can follow when speaking to your kids - regardless of age- about the divorce and the new life you’re creating.

Are you ready to be begin the road to recovery?

    • Make feeling great your top priority to maintain your well-being.

    • Learn the practice of self-care and not get sucked up in emotions that don’t serve your greater purpose of happiness and well-being.

    • Reconnect with yourself on a deep profound life-changing level tapping into a strength you never knew possible.

    • Create an agreement based on personal integrity, respect, self-worth, which establishes how communication takes place with your ex and when.

    • Grieve the marriage in a healthy manner so you can truly rebuild yourself and emerge ready for love again.

    • Gain clarity on who YOU are as an individual outside of the marriage.

    • Discover when the time is right to date again and how to go about it.

    • Understand Law of Attraction (the power of thought and energy) and how to use it to create a new chapter of your life.

“It takes a village to get through divorce! While I had great friends supporting me during it, I knew I needed someone to connect with on a more personal level in order to give me the freedom to work through the range of emotions that come with divorce. Before meeting Lisa, I spent my days enraged, sad, confused and hard on myself because of my wife’s betrayal. But Lisa helped me refocus on my mental and physical health by providing encouragement, clarity, and validation that I needed to help me retake control of my life.”

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— Dave, 44 (North Carolina)