Meet your coach 

Lisa Concepcion:

Certified Professional Life Coach

and Dating & Relationship Expert

Lisa Concepcion specializes in helping successful people who struggle with marriage issues, break-ups, divorces and pre-marital preparation.

She offers one-on-one V.I.P. style coaching, that is efficient, intuitive, effective, supportive, and empowering. If you are looking to prevent divorce, to heal after divorce, to reinvent your life, to date with confidence or heal codependency or heal from narcissistic abuse, connect with Lisa today!

Smiling woman with long black hair wearing a "Lovers Gonna Love" shirt outdoors.

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Lisa Concepcion is a certified Life Coach through the Institute of Professional Excellence in Coaching, which is accredited by the International Coaching Federation.

She is also a Dating and Relationship Expert who is often quoted in media articles, and serves people worldwide by conducting on-one-one sessions via phone and video conference.

Through Lisa’s one-on-one dating and relationship coaching programs, she will empower you to clearly define the relationship YOU want, then help YOU to adopt the mindset and actions necessary to manifest and maximize it.

Read Lisa’s full personal story of how she cured her codependency here.