Post Break-Up Recovery

Rebuild from a break-up so you can emerge wiser, stronger, and even grateful for the experience.

Blonde woman with braided hair covering her face with her hands in an outdoor setting, featuring a blurred cityscape and greenery in the background.
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What You’ll Learn

The nature of every relationship is different and so are the experiences we have when those well-established bonds we have formed come to an end. For many people, the breakup of an intimate or close relationship can have similar emotional responses as death or sudden illness – including a period of grieving over the loss of the relationship.

LoveQuest Coaching’s Post Break-Up Recovery Program will help guide you through the break-up process in three stages, giving you time to focus on your health and mental well being. This is the same process that Lisa did developed that set her along the path to true transformation!

The first month or so following a breakup is when emotions run highest. During this time, it is normal to feel guilt and confusion while your mind is constantly replaying moments and conversations, second guessing hypothetical scenarios with variety of alternative “what if” outcomes. This is typically when efforts are made to reconcile and try to save what is left of the relationship, often resulting in more stressful calls, ghosting, or further heartbreak, leaving you deeply hurt and confused.

During this vulnerable time is likely when you to shift from feeling awful to feeling better as you gain more clarity and discover a broader view of what just happened. LoveQuest Coaching’s Post Break-Up Recovery Program will help you create your new life on your terms.

As you reach a sense of peace and renewal, you will raise your self-confidence and will never be easily rattled by anyone, ever again. The way you approach dating and relationships will be forever changed.

Are you ready to be transformed?

    • Move on from your past relationships.

    • Effectively handle all post break-up drama such as texts, emails, unannounced visits, social media BS, gossip, etc.

    • Learn about how your emotions serve you and how to make them your best guide.

    • Acknowledge sabotaging patterns and finally break them.

    • Become your own best friend and end the ruminating, incessant self-talk that is harmful and keeps you stuck wanting someone who doesn’t want you or… if you ended it, lead to feelings of doubt and guilt.

    • Make feeling great your top priority to maintain your well-being.

    • Form a relationship with yourself based on personal integrity, self-respect, self-worth, and self-love.

    • Reconnect with yourself on a deep profound life-changing level tapping into a strength you never knew possible.

    • Grieve the relationship and any betrayal in a healthy manner so you can truly rebuild yourself and emerge ready for love again.

    • Create your new lifestyle and form new habits that move you forward towards the life you want to create.

    • Learn when the time is right to date again and how to go about it as not to attract the same “type” again.

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“As a codependent daughter to a mother with narcissistic personality traits, I always lived in the shadows of the men in my life. I never spoke my truth. I tolerated harsh criticism, disrespect and thought. Trying to prove my worth by giving more was always my solution. Then I found Lisa, she helped me see my greatness. She showed me that I AM WORTHY!”

— Shelley, 60 (Toronto, Canada)