5 Signs You're In Your Masculine Energy
These are 5 signs you’re in your masculine energy plus why this energy is a turn off to strong high quality men. You aren’t intimidating. You’re off putting. Here’s why and what to do about it so you can attract the high quality man and healthy relationship you truly want.
5 Signs Your In Your Masculine Energy
You struggle to attract high quality men and instead attract men who might appear great at first but then soon reveal their weaknesses which may include an inability to perform sexually, lack of emotional awareness, an inability to connect, unavailability and zero interest in long term commitment (marriage).
You presume men are intimidated by your achievements and independence. The truth is, high quality men do want a woman who is independent and proud of her achievements and the life she’s created for herself.
However, high quality men want to be received by a quality feminine woman. They want to know what you want from them more than what you can do for yourself. They want a partner, a woman; not dude energy in a dress and heels.
When you lead conversation with your achievements instead of communicating what you do from a more feminine energy, (which I teach high achieving women how to do) you turn men off.