Build Self Confidence with this Free 120 Day Challenge
Here is a fun way for you to build self confidence. Many of my followers ask me how to boost self confidence after a breakup or divorce. I created a 120 Day Challenge to help people journal their way to self confidence. Keep reading to see if this Free Challenge is for you.
Many of the people I coach have been in toxic relationships where they were belittled on a daily basis, made to question their own abilities, decisions feeling like they weren’t good enough and that something was wrong with them.
I also coach people who struggle to attract good people to be in healthy relationships with and they believe it’s due to a lack of self confidence. They tend to be the hard workers who lack the “play hard” aspect of life, no friends, no real interests just work, come home, eat, zone out with TV, sleep, repeat.
Regardless of your situation you’re reading this article because you want help building your self confidence.
I have the FREE tool for you.
Since it’s a daily challenge for 120 days, it requires your commitment.
Step one in building self confidence is committing fully to yourself.
This 4 month challenge is designed to turn you into a person who goes from low self confidence to a healthy, empowering level of self confidence.
This challenge is for anyone who is stuck in their life and recognizes that they lack self confidence.
Download the 120 Daily Journal Prompts for Self Confidence PDF by signing up below!
10 Characteristics of People who Lack Self Confidence
People pleasers typically lack self confidence and are more likely to say yes when they mean no. These lack of boundaries attract takers, and energy drainers. Confident people have clear standards and boundaries.
People who lack self confidence are compliant to authority figures (bosses, spouses, kids, government, institutions / organizations, experts etc…). They also fall victim to virtue signaling an insidious weaponized compassion where one’s goodness is determined by compliance. This is the path of collectivism which is to be avoided to preserve one’s individualism and unbreakable connection to their creator.
Indecision is a symptom of a lack of confidence. Confident people are deeply connected to themselves, know what they want and are able to make decisions swiftly.
A fear of risk or failure is very common for people who lack confidence. This may show up in life as staying too long in unfulfilling relationships or career. It’s too scary to get uncomfortable for people who lack self confidence and this fear keeps them stuck wanting more but never achieving it.
Engulfment and enmeshment are common for people who lack confidence. This is when you lose yourself in relationships and forget who you truly are as you take on an identity that is for the benefit of the other person but misaligned with you you truly are.
Self abandonment and a lack of self advocacy falls under the people pleaser category of behaviors. This is when you ignore your true needs and desires just to be around others. When they take advantage of you, your lack of confidence makes it difficult for you to stand up for yourself.
People who lack confidence fear confrontation. They aren’t confident that they can assert themselves in a powerful way so they avoid confrontation in relationships and, or at work.
Constant dis-ease, chronic colds, pain and other ills are frequently experienced by people who lack confidence. Our mental and emotional issues are stored in our bodies. It’s common for people to catch colds, have aches and nausea when they are beginning something new because they lack confidence they’ll succeed.
Relationship struggles and repeated cycles and patterns. When people lack self confidence, their relationships are usually a source of stress and anxiety. They tend to have an anxious attachment style and struggle to communicate standards and boundaries.
A detachment from their true self, inauthentic, depressed and exhausted stuck in low energetic frequencies. When people lack confidence they are in a perpetual state of self doubt and catastrophic thinking. This is due to a detachment from their True Self or Divine Self (the inner being connected to Source energy or Godforce, The Creator). This has nothing to do with religion. It does have plenty to do with faith and people who lack faith lack confidence. It’s that simple.
The Spiritual Component to Confidence.
Who or what is Your God?
All roads always lead to the same place; our connection to our creator, the thing that put us here who loves us unconditionally for all eternity. Those who believe they are loved by a higher power have more confidence.
The faithful believe in themselves but also believe that something higher is guiding them. They aren’t arrogant and egocentric thinking they do everything on their own.
Confident people understand that there are Universal Laws and know how to leverage these laws to create their optimal life.
Confident people vibrate at a higher level of consciousness and a higher energy frequency. This is why they seem joyous and optimistic while those who lack self confidence seem pessimistic and nihilistic.
I’ve coached many people who after years of therapy were fed up with finding themselves in the same place reliant on their SSRI’s which do nothing but mask the very emotions necessary to develop resilience which then develops confidence.
They feel as if they are hazy and cloudy, in a fog, lethargic, stuck in life, depressed and anxious.
So they see my content, a video on my TikTok (@LisaTheLoveLifeCoach1a) or Instagram or Facebook or Youtube reach out to me and after doing their initial session want to awaken and return back their truly empowered self before life’s traumas hardened them, put them in a state of fear, dispondance and low self confidence.
As people commit to their inner work they are essentially committing to a practice of Stoicism (the pursuit of personal excellence). This work calls for deep contemplation, exploration of the valid reasons for why we are as we are with the intention to shift self sabotage into thriving.
This work helps people connect deeply with their creator, tap into their true Source for unconditional love, realize that their worthiness comes from their creator and not people and this leads to higher self confidence.
When you know you are loved unconditionally by your Creator, you’re no longer impacted by the opinions of others. You know who you are and how adored you are no matter what.
You’re more confident, less burdened by the opinions of others. You bring a confident version of yourself to others. You become a trusted confident leader who holds themselves to a high standard and makes decisions that reflect your personal integrity.
You become a confident co-creator with God. You realize you aren’t alone, never was alone and can take solace knowing that everything is always working out to elevate our soul while inhabiting the body. We are eternal souls in human bodies on this 3D earth.
When you know this, you no longer fear death and when you no longer fear death no one can manipulate you. No one can tell you to do x,y, z to be a good person within society. You already know you’re good so you won’t compromise your personal autonomy and sovereignty for anyone.
As long as what you are choosing to do is in accordance with Natural Law (meaning you do not steal things or life unless in self defense), then you are free to live a life rooted in solid morality.
The world is as it is presently because far too many people lack confidence. They have been manipulated by a few psychopathic power hungry people who use politics, mass media, music, food, medicine, the education system and pretty much all societal institutions to engineer society.
The great news is that humanity is awakening to all of this deception and these systems are collapsing because as humanity gains confidence, they gain access to The Truth.
More and more people are actively researching alternative sources for factual information. They aren’t relying on mainstream media programming anymore. They not only see the lies they feel the lies deep down.
This is confidence!!
Connection to one’s intuition is where self confidence comes from.
People are committing to their personal development, getting off these synthetic man made emotion killers SSRI’s and exploring functional medicine, plant medicine and other natural modalities such as guided meditations, journaling, coaches, courses, seminars, books and podcasts.
Get Started on Building Your Self Confidence
The next 120 days will be a game changer for you.
Get yourself a fresh notebook and pens that feel good when you write.
Each day allows time to reflect on each question, writing down whatever comes up for you.
Notice as you stick with it how life begins to shift to match your new energy level.
Then when you’ve completed the 120 day challenge. Let’s connect. I’d love to hear how life changed for you and to help you advance even further.
You got this. Do the work. Change your life. Gain confidence.
Download the 120 Daily Journal Prompts for Self Confidence PDF by signing up below!
Lisa Concepcion is a Certified Professional Life Coach and Founder of LoveQuest Coaching, a Personal Development Academy that helps people heal from their past so they can manifest their ideal lives. Lisa’s an expert in Codependency Recovery through Inner Child Reconnection and Reparenting. You can click below to book your 1 on 1 session with Lisa to accelerate your personal development.